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ID: johnberry
Since: 1/17/2005
From:  USA
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PROBIRT Newsletter - May 14, 2007

admin (5/15/2007)
Rated: (0 users)

Free and Group Subscriptions Formally Added

Some people say these have been the best kept secrets at PROBIRT, but we really haven’t been hiding our free and group subscriptions. Honest! While they weren’t highly promoted on the web site, they’ve been available for quite some time. Hey, we even announced them in past newsletters! But now we’re making it easy and obvious by adding them to the subscription page of the site - So if you haven’t subscribed yet, or your subscription is about to run out, consider a free or group subscription.

In addition, free Repair Student Subscriptions have been added. These are retroactive, so if you’re currently enrolled in or have graduated from the band instrument repair program of a recognized and accredited band instrument repair school since January 1, 2006, you can receive a free annual membership by satisfactorily filling out a questionnaire and providing proof of enrollment/graduation. It doesn’t get much better than free!

Technician Members: Can Customers Find You?

One of the advantages of being a Technician Member is being listed in our Technician Finder on the PROBIRT home page, where customers can search for technicians who are within a 100 mile radius and even see a map with directions to find you. If you’ve never checked it out, try this. But to be included you need to add your business listing - the Technician Finder doesn’t automatically take the information from your profile. If you haven’t done this yet, do it today!

- Log in to

- Click on “My Settings” under MyPROBIRT in the upper right

- Click on “Technician Finder Information” in the center in the Member Control Panel box (Note: If you don’t see a “Technician Finder Information” link but instead see a “Technician Membership Request Form” link, then you do not have a technician level membership. Fill out the form to request technician status.)

- Fill out the Technician Finder form with your business swiss replica watchesinformation. A link to the map with the address will automatically be generated.

- Double check your information by going to the home page and searching for your zip code.

- Please note that Technician Finder is currently available to U.S. technicians only.


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Shout Box

  • (10/9 17:13) ChrisHarnett: Doesn't seem very promising
  • (10/6 12:46) DriverDrobina: Is this site still active?
  • (10/6 12:45) DriverDrobina: I have the same concern
  • (6/2 17:51) Wailinfree: is this site still active?
  • (6/2 17:51) Wailinfree: is this site still active?
  • (4/29 12:46) BENSCHILDGEN: Cleaning snakes nowdays SUCK!
  • (12/4 22:44) dparker: Hey Brent!
  • (11/26 20:46) crousfrench: I'm back. Did you miss me?
  • (10/9 7:18) BENSCHILDGEN: What's going on out there?
  • (6/1 18:53) dparker:
  • (6/1 18:53) dparker: or we can do an online meeting
  • (6/1 18:53) dparker: It can be dangerous. If you could send some pic
  • (5/25 5:17) BENSCHILDGEN: It seemed as if it was silver brazed together
  • (5/25 5:17) BENSCHILDGEN: It seemed as if it was silver brazed together
  • (5/25 5:9) BENSCHILDGEN: I had an old tuba that I could not get it apart.
  • (5/25 5:8) BENSCHILDGEN: I just do not know much about the whole mechainsm
  • (5/24 14:2) dparker: How can I help with the clock springs?
  • (5/24 14:2) dparker: How can I help with the clock springs?
  • (4/26 7:20) BENSCHILDGEN: I need info on tubas with clocksprings for levers
  • (4/4 8:34) dparker: Indeed! I will be posting more soon!ore soon!
  • (3/30 11:36) BENSCHILDGEN: Let's try to get this site flowing again
  • (7/6 19:46) Krch: My favorite is uses for electric soldering guns!
  • (6/13 9:0) crousfrench: I still enjoy watching the videos over and over
  • (6/13 8:59) crousfrench: I haven't seen anything new in awhile, but
  • (5/31 21:36) Krch: articles...articles How-To DVD Rental